Saturday, July 31, 2010

Pastel Painting of Hot Air Balloons

Each hot air balloon pastel painting has a different theme and therefore a different look.

This pastel is hot air balloons over a river and desert. The images are angular and barren with balloon designs also angular and bolder.

In the second painting the balloons are over a field of flowers. The images are softer with balloon patterns also softer more traditional. Scroll to see.

In both paintings the images created are suitable to the theme and create a complementary mood.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Pastel Painting of Colorful Hot Air Balloons

Hot air balloons are a good choice for complementary colored patterns within the balloons themselves as well as created by their positions.

The colorful balloons are both at one with and set off by the complementary colored pointillism sky, clouds and flowered fields.

The repeats of color, pattern and texture are intended to give order and balance to this composition. Interest and emphasis are created by the combination of realistic modeling and whimsical colored patterns and texture. The emphasized horizon adds important depth.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Pastel Painting of a Colorful Rooster at Sunrise

A fun example of life imitating art. If my little rooster was going to come to life and strut, I hope he would have this much spunk.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Pastel Painting of a Rooster

I enjoy the visual excitement created by the interplay of vivid colors and complementary, imaginative patterns. Vivid colors have a pleasing freshness. Patterns offer a richness of texture and interpretive opportunities. These are my goals.

Henry Edmond Cross 1856-1910. Work includes inspiring examples of pointillism technique and fauvist style. Some of those are The Blooming Terrace, The Canal near St. Tropez and Provence Landscape.

A rooster is a logical subject. Its feathers are a natural for color and texture.

Marc Chagall's fanciful roosters are wonderful examples of seeing the unique and creative opportunities presented by these everyday subjects. Examples include The Tribe of Naphtali, 1964, The Rooster, 1929, Wedding on the Red Rooster, Yellow Rooster, 1968 and Listening to the Cock, 1944.