My little Yorkshire Terrier, Fenway, in lots of color. Yes, he is named after Fenway Park. He is a character and lives up to his unique name. He weighs only 6 pounds, but his spirit and ego are as big as the park. He bosses us all, including a much larger Portuguese Water Dog I have yet to paint. I like to see the opportunity for art in subjects and make the most of them. I tried to artistically capture his look with textural stokes and his personality with the expressive use of color.
Three artists, Henri Matisse, Marc Chagall and Paul Gauguin, opened my eyes to the expressive use of color. They often chose color for the sake of color rather than to use the actual colors of their subjects. Example are Henri Matisse's Woman with a Hat, 1905. and The Riffian, 1912-13. Several more examples are Marc Chagall's Le Cheval de Cirque, 1964 and Great Circus, 1984. Two interesting examples with very different color pallets and ambiance are Paul Gauguin's Landscape with a Dog, 1903 and Mountains in Tahiti, 1891-93.
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